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Reflexology for Health Issues

Reflexology for Health Issues
Foot reflexology is an ancient therapy which involves application of pressure on the reflex zones on the sole of the foot to stimulate the central nervous system in order to trigger relaxation responses throughout the body. This enables various organ systems in the body to function as well as they can. Reflexology enhances well-being, promotes relaxation, relieves pain and leads to holistic health.

Several studies have established that stress is a significant contributor in over eighty percent of diseases. High levels of stress compromises the immune system of the body which is instrumental in protecting you against illness. This makes you more vulnerable to infections and all kinds of diseases. Reflexology uses pressure applied on reflex areas as a therapeutic method to help you manage stress effectively.

Reflexology is especially beneficial to diabetics, insomniacs and those suffering from high blood pressure, chronic pain and arthritis.

Reflexology helps you reach a state of deep relaxation by gently nudging the body towards improved functioning of organ systems, muscle relaxation and improved blood circulation. It encourages the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good hormones, which are known for their pain-relieving and relaxing properties.

Reflexology supports the body in healing itself and in promoting all-round health.


Reflexology for Stress
Stress has a number of negative effects on the body, of which the worst are the following:
9. Stress directly affects the hormonal system and puts the body's glands and hormones out of balance.
5. Blood diverts from the bladder, and if the bladder is not continually emptying, this can lead to cystitis.
6. Stress lowers the immune system so that you find it harder to fight infection and bacteria have a better chance of taking hold.
4. The adrenal glands pour out the steroid hormone cortisone. In large doses it is toxic to the brain causing depression and memory loss.
3. The liver pours out glucose for the muscles to use as energy. Glucose stays in the bloodstream when it does not get used up, which can lead to diabetes.
10. Your breathing is restricted during times of stress, so less oxygen reaches the cells and consequently there is a greater accumulation of waste products.
2. Your heart beats faster, increasing blood flow around the body, which can lead to high blood pressure and headaches. This puts a strain on all the blood vessels.
8. Blood is diverted from the digestive system because it is considered non-essential in times of danger, so the digestive system does not function properly. This can make any digestive disorder worse.
1. The body call on fat reserves to be used up for energy. These fatty deposits stay in the blood vessels and contribute to arteriosclerosis (thickening of the artery walls). This narrows the blood vessels and puts you at risk of heart disease.
7. Tense neck and shoulder muscles lead to pain. This tightness in the muscles can restrict nerve impulses to different parts of the body. For example, tinnitus (ringing in the ears) is common during times of stress because of compression of the nerve roots.

How can Rreflexology help in Stress relief?
Reflexology cancels out the effects of stress while it helps the body to reach a place of deep relaxation where it can balance the body system. Reflexology helps the functionality of every organ by improving lymphatic drainage venous circulation, simulation to the nerve pathway & muscle relaxation. Reflexology encourages the release of endorphins, the body ‘s natural feel good hormones a well-documented in their ability to relieve stress. Reflexology support the body in its process of self-healing & maintaining the balance that leads to good health.

Reflexology for Diabetes
Diabetes compromises a patient’s health from skin complication to stroke. Feet are especially vulnerable because blood vessel damage or nerve damage lead to foot problem. Diabetic neuropathy occurs when the patient starts to lose sensation in the feet. If not controlled diabetes can put you at risk for a host of complications that can affect nearly every organ in the body. They include the heart, blood vessels, eyes, Kidneys, nerves, gums & teeth. A study was conducted in First Teaching Hospital, Beijing Medical University, China – 1993. Study: 32 cases of Type II diabetics were randomly divided into 2 groups. One of the groups was treated with conventional wester hypoglycaemic agents & reflexology and the other group with just hypoglycaemic agent. Result: After daily treatment of over 30 days, fasting blood glucose levels and cholesterol levels & other factors were greatly reduced in the reflexology group while no significant change was observed in the medicine only group. Reflexology also helps to control blood pressure, relieves pain, reduces anxiety, ensures good sleep, improves energy levels, Detoxifies & optimizes the function of all organs.
Reflexology can assist by increasing the circulation in the transpartation of energy to all the cells of the body and in removal of the waste products, thereby helping to prevent disease. Remember that everything you do in life has an effect on the cells of your body.
Reflexology helps to open up neural pathways, assisting in the control of stress levels and has an analgesic affect, reducing pain by releasing endorphins (natural painkillers) in to the system .
After a reflexology treatment it is common to have a bowel movement, which cleans out the colon. Sometimes this waste can be responsible for raising cholesterol and oestrogen levels in the body. Removing waste products efficiently leads to better health and well-being, and proper absorption of the nourishment from food.
Reflexology can help increase the circulation, thereby preventing a sluggish blood flow that could result in clotting . The relaxation aspect of reflexology treatment can help to prevent high blood pressure, angina, heart attacks and strokes.
Reflexology can help the distribution and absorption of vitamin D and minerals into the bones, to promote a healthy skeleton. It can also ease the aching joints associated with arthritis, improving mobility and helping to heal fractures.
Reflexology can help to revitalize the condition of the skin by encouraging an adequate blood and nerve supply that reaches all parts of it. It can also reduce the incidences of skin-related conditions such as acne, by stabilizing the production of sebum and keeping bacteria levels under control.
Reflexology can help with the distribution and balance of the hormones in the body. The treatment works non-invasively on the endocrine glands to help regulate the production of hormones. An effective treatment can help increase energy levels, stabilize moods, help control eating habits and alleviate menstrual or menopausal issues.
Regular reflexology can help boost the lymphatic system, which means that the body will have an increased ability to fight off illness and disease. It promotes a reduction in the number of colds and helps you stay healthier for longer.
Reflexology can help to improve the function of the diaphragm and lungs, increasing the quantity of air being breathed in and of waste products being breathed out. It also assists in the distribution of oxygen around the body. Reflexology can help aid recovery from respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, influenza and the common cold . A helpful tip is that a relaxed person takes deep breaths, while a nervous person takes shallow breaths. If you take deep breaths while working on the solar plexus reflex on the hand, this can help to relax you.
Reflexology helps the urinary system with the distribution of water around the body by improving its circulation. The treatment can also aid the functioning of the kidneys and the removal of waste and sodium. Reflexology can be effective in reducing water retention and combating urinary-tract infections.
This list shows you the range of reactions that someone may experience following reflexology treatment: • Feeling cold
• Runny nose
• Feeling thirsty
• Feeling on a high
• Nausea/ dizziness
• Feeling very relaxed
• Feeling irritable/ restless
• Sleeping more soundly than usual
• A temporary worsening of symptoms
• Increased sweating from hands and feet
• Needing to sleep a lot cold suddenly while receiving
• Feeling emotional/upset asleep during treatment - this is skin reactions
• Experiencing increased energy reflexology treatment. It is a good feeling hot idea to cover them with a blanket
• Increased urination/ defecation before you start the session. And A little diarrhea don't be surprised if someone falls
Reflexology for Asthma
This is a lung disease characterized by recurrent episodes of breathlessness caused by constricted airways, although in some forms of the disease there is no known cause. During an asthma attack the muscle walls within the lungs constrict, and there is an increase of mucus and inflammation, making it very hard to breathe normally. Typical symptoms during an attack are coughing, wheezing, a feeling of tightness in the chest and difficulty in breathing. A predisposition to asthma may be hereditary. Stress and anxiety can also bring on an attack.
• Pituitary • Lungs • Diaphragm • Adrenals • Thoracic vertebrae • Solar plexus
Reflexology for Influenza
Influenza affects the upper respiratory tract, is commonly known as 'flu' and is highly contagious because it is spread by coughing or sneezing. The symptoms of flu begin like those of a common cold and include headaches, body aches and pains, and feeling tired; as it progresses it is often accompanied by a fever one moment and chills the next. Sufferers frequently have a dry throat and cough. Influenza is only dangerous for the weak, frail and those over age of 65. It can make Someone more susceptible to pneumonia, sinus problems and ear infections.
• Head • Upper lymphatics • Lungs • Thyroid • Spleen • Thoracic vertebrae
Reflexology for Sore throat
This is a very common viral or bacterial infection and can be the first symptom of a cold, influenza or an upper respiratory tract infection. A sore throat can be caused by something that irritates the back of the throat, including: tooth and gum infections, chronic coughing, dust, extremely hot drinks or food, some air pollutants and smoke. A sore throat affects the front of the neck and the passage that runs down the back of the mouth and nose to the upper part of the oesophagus, and causes pain and tenderness. There will probably be pain or discomfort when swallowing. Gargling with salt water every few hours can help to relieve a sore throat.
• Head • Cervical vertebrae • Oesophagus • Spleen • Adrenals • Upper lymphatics
Reflexology for Common cold
There are more than 200 viruses that cause the common cold, which is experienced as an infection of the upper respiratory tract. Typical symptoms include a sore throat, sneezing, watery eyes, head congestion, headaches, fever and aches and pains. Most colds clear up in around eight days, but occasionally – if someone has a weak or immature immune system - a cold can lead to more serious infections, such as bronchitis, pneumonia or flu. Avoid sugar if you are susceptible to a cold, because all sugars can reduce the body's ability to fight infection by 50 per cent.
• Head • Pituitary • Eye/Ear general area • Cervical vertebrae • Thoracic vertebrae • Upper lymphatics .
Reflexology for Irritable bowel syndrome
It is estimated that one in five adults is affected by this syndrome, which is twice as common in women as it is in men. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic or long-term condition affecting the small or large bowel. It causes pain or discomfort and an altered bowel habit, and affects the rate at which the contents of the bowel move. The symptoms affect the digestive tract, causing irregular bowel movements, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, abdominal pain, nausea and Flatulence . The stools are the shape of rabbit droppings and often contain an accumulation of mucus. Headaches and tiredness are also associated with the condition.
• Ascending colon • Transverse colon • Sigmoid colon • Descending colon • Pituitary • Adrenals
IBS can be triggered by stress, food intolerance and an imbalance of good bacteria in the bowel.
Reflexology for Constipation
This condition occurs when waste material moves too slowly through the large bowel, resulting in infrequent and painful elimination and hard, dry faces. Constipation can give rise to a number of different ailments, including bad breath, depression, fatigue, flatulence, bloating, headaches, haemorrhoids (piles) and insomnia . It is important to move the bowels on a daily basis because harmful toxins can form after a period. In many cases constipation may arise from insufficient amounts of fibre and fluids in the diet. Other causes could be advanced age, medication, insufficient exercise and bowel disorders.
• Ascending colon • Sigmoid colon • Descending colon • Thyroid • Kidneys/Adrenals • Lumbar Vertebrae
Reflexology for Heartburn
Heartburn is experienced as a burning pain that travels up from the center of the chest to the throat. It can occur when the muscular sphincter 10 type of valve found between the stomach and the oesophagus relaxes, allowing food and digestive juices in the stomach to travel back up the Oesophagus. Having a full stomach makes this more likely to happen as it puts extra pressure on the valve. Heartburn is often made worse by lying down or bending over during an attack. Chewing food Thoroughly is the first step towards good digestion. Overeating, eating too quickly or eating too many rich , fatty or spicy foods, or drinking too much alcohol, often causes heartburn, while stress can exacerbate it. Milk creates an acid environment in the stomach and should be avoided by those suffering from heartburn.
• Diaphragm • Oesophagus • Pancreas • Stomach • Lungs • Thoracic vertebrae
Wine can be a trigger for heartburn as can fatty foods . Overeating and not chewing your food properly can also lead to heartburn.
Reflexology for Hiatus hernia
This is an abnormal protrusion of part of the stomach, which passes up through the wall of the diaphragm and causes pain and discomfort. The diaphragm is the muscular sheet that separates the lungs and chest from the abdomen. Hiatus hernia affects us more as we get older. Doctors are not sure what causes it, but people are more likely to get it if they are aged over 50, smokers, overweight or pregnant. A hiatus hernia often causes no symptoms, but may cause pain and heartburn (a feeling of warmth or burning in the chest). It is not usually a serious condition and often needs no treatment. Any symptoms can usually be treated with drugs or (if severe) an operation. It is advisable to eat small, frequent meals.
• Diaphragm • Hiatus hernia • Stomach • Pituitary • Adrenals • Thoracic vertebrae
Reflexology for Osteoporosis
This condition causes the bones to weaken, making broken bones more likely. Osteoporosis is sometimes called the 'silent disease', because most people who are affected are unaware that their bones are thinning until they break one. Bones affected by osteoporosis are less dense than normal and are porous. The bones that are most at risk are the ribs, wrist, spine and hips, which are more likely to break as the result of a minor bump or fall , or even without injury (for example, a sneeze may break a rib). You are more likely to get osteoporosis if you are aged over 60 years, and the risk continues to rise as you get older.
• Thyroid • Pituitary • Parathyroid • Kidneys/ Adrenals • Hip • Entire spine
The condition is around four times more common in women than in men and is most common in women who have been through the menopause, because their production of oestrogen falls dramatically (and oestrogen helps to retain calcium in the bones). Long-term immobility, anorexia, inflammatory bowel disease and a family history can all increase the risk of developing osteoporosis. Bone mineral density can be reduced to 35 per cent in osteoporosis which may result in fractures as you get older.
Reflexology for Carpal tunnel syndrome
This syndrome can affect one or both hands. It is a fairly common condition that occurs when there is too much pressure on a nerve in the wrist. The median nerve carries sensory messages from the thumb and some fingers, and also conducts movements of the hand. Sometimes carpal tunnel syndrome can be triggered by your job, but it may be prevented by stopping or reducing the activity that stresses your fingers, hand or wrist, or by changing the way in which activities are done. It tends to be worse at night or first thing in the morning and can be made worse by strenuous wrist movements.
• Shoulder • Wrist • Elbow • Thyroid • Kidneys/Adrenals • Cervical vertebrae • Thoracic vertebrae
Reflexology for Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis affects three times as many women as it does men, and is characterized by inflammation of some joints, causing creaking, stiffness, swelling and loss of joint function, deformity and pain. It is aggravated by mechanical stress, which can wear down the protective cartilage that lines the joints in the body. Osteoarthritis occurs in almost all people over 60, although not everyone has symptoms. Weakness and shrinkage of the surrounding muscles may occur if the pain is so bad that it prevents the sufferer from using the joint regularly. If this degenerative disease affects the joints between the bones in the neck, it is called cervical osteoarthritis. This is brought about by wear and tear on the neck as we get older, so it mainly affects people from middle age onwards. The principal symptoms are pain and stiffness on the neck and, if there is pressure on the nerves in the neck, it may cause pain in the arms, shoulders, numbness and tingling in the hands and a weak grip. This sequence should be given with very light pressure.
Osteoarthritis can affect our physical and emotional well-being, leading to decreased mobility in later years.
• Entire spine • Liver • Thyroid • Pituitary • Kidneys/Adrenals • Upper lymphatics
Reflexology for Frozen shoulder
This condition is caused by inflammation and thickening of the lining of the capsule in which the joint is contained. This bursa is a small, fluid-filled sac found between muscles between tendon and bone and between skin and bone, enabling movement to occur without friction between these surfaces. The symptoms of frozen shoulder include stiffness and pain in the shoulder, which makes normal movements of the joint difficult. In the most extreme cases the shoulder is totally immobile and the pain is severe.
• Head • Occipital • Shoulder • Elbow • Adrenals • Cervical vertebrae • Thoracic vertebrae
Reflexology for Epilepsy
Epilepsy is the tendency to have recurrent seizures, or brief episodes of altered Consciousness , caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain. The condition usually develops in childhood, but may gradually disappear Elderly people are at risk of developing epilepsy because they are more likely to have conditions that can cause it, such as a Stroke. In most cases of epilepsy, the underlying cause is unclear, although a genetic factor may be involved. Recurrent seizures may be the result of brain damage caused by a difficult birth, a severe blow to the head, a stroke (which Environment and lifestyle causes include heat, lead, food allergies, alcohol and physical and emotional stress. storves the brain of oxygen) or an infection such as meningitis. There ore different types of epilepsy and different types of seizure, including the less common partial seizure, when someone may simply look blank or vacant for a few minutes or may experience odd sights or smells; and a generalized seizure, when the body stiffens and then jerks uncontrollably.
• Head • Pituitary • Thyroid • Liver • Adrenals • Entire spine
Reflexology for Parkinson's disease
This degenerative disease affects the nervous system as a result of damage to nerve cells within the base of the brain. The underlying cause is unknown, but symptoms appear when there is a lock of the hormone dopamine in the brain, and this can restrict messages from one nerve cell to another. The two main theories for the onset of Parkinson's are that brain cells are destroyed by toxins in the body that the liver has been unable to remove, and that exposure to environmental toxins such as pesticides or herbicides has caused the disease. Parkinson's is more common in elderly men. The symptoms are muscle tremors, weakness and stiffness. The person may also experience trembling, shaking of the hand, arm or leg, a rigid posture, slow shuffling movements, an unbalanced walk that may break into tiny running steps and a rigid stoop. Eating, washing, dressing and other everyday activities may become very difficult for the sufferer to perform.
• Head • Brain • Liver • Upper lymphatics • Adrenals • Entire spine
Reflexology for Meniere's disease
With Meniere's disease there is on abnormal build-up of fluid in the canals of the inner ear that control balance. It can affect both ears, but in most cases just one ear is affected. Both men and women are equally at risk, and the condition often starts between the ages of 20 and 60. The main symptom is frequent severe, sudden rotational vertigo that can cause someone to fall to the ground. Other symptoms are dizziness, vertigo, aural fullness, deafness and ringing in the ear. Common triggers include salt, alcohol, caffeine and nicotine; other possible triggers include pregnancy, menstruation, allergies, visual stimuli , changes in weather pressure and stress. It is recommended that sufferers follow a diet that aims to stabilize body fluid and blood levels, so that secondary fluctuations in inner ear fluid can be avoided. Often sufferers from Meniere 's disease have low levels of manganese.
• Head • Pituitary • Inner ear • Cervical vertebrae • Liver • Kidneys/Adrenals
Reflexology for Multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a debilitating disease that damages the nerve fibers in the brain, optic nerve and spinal cord. It affects various parts of the nervous system by destroying the myelin sheaths that cover the nerves and leaving scar tissue called plaques, which ultimately destroy the nerves. Multiple sclerosis is considered an auto-immune disease in which the white blood cells attack the myelin sheaths as though they were a foreign substance. The condition usually starts in early adult life and generally consists of mild relapses and long symptom-free periods throughout life, although the disease affects everyone differently. There are different stages of the condition, and symptoms vary in individuals, depending on which part of the nervous system is most affected they may include blurred or double vision, emotional changes, slurred speech, urinary tract infections, vertigo, dizziness, clumsiness and muscle weakness.
Eating essential fatty acids and receiving regular reflexology sessions have been known to help symptoms of MS.
• Entire spine • Head • Inner ear • Bladder • Adrenals • Upper lymphatics
Reflexology for Acne
Acne is an inflammatory skin condition that is common between the ages of 12 and 24, especially in young men, and is associated with an imbalance of hormones during puberty. Many women also suffer from premenstrual acne flare-ups that are associated with the release of the hormone progesterone a her ovulation. Apart from a strong hormonal imbalance, other factors may include oily skin, a family history, stress and over-consumption of junk food and animal products. Acne can also be aggravated by certain cosmetics or by repeatedly rubbing the skin. Sugar should be eliminated to avoid outbreaks.
• Pituitary • Ovaries/ Testes • liver • Adrenals • Pancreas • Ascending colon • Descending colon
Reflexology for Dermatitis
Inflammation of the skin that results in itching, thickening, scaling, colour changes and flaking, dermatitis often occurs as the result of allergies. Allergic or contact dermatitis may be caused by anything with which the body has had contact. The usual suspects include sensitivity to perfume, medication creams, cosmetics, glue, certain plants, and some metals found in jeweler and zippers. If the skin is in contact with the allergen, the condition will remain. Eating gluten and dairy products has been associated with making all skin conditions worse.
Stress aggravates dermatitis.
• Pituitary • Upper lymphatics • Ascending colon • Descending colon • Liver • Spleen • Adrenals
Reflexology for Depression
People with depression tend to find that the disease affects their whale body, including their sleep patterns, the way they feel about themselves, what they eat and how they react to life itself. They lose interest in the people and things around them and find it hard to experience pleasure. The common symptoms are backache, chronic fatigue, changes in appetite and sleep patterns, digestive Is orders, restlessness, quickness to anger and a feeling of worthlessness. Exercise helps because it releases endorphins, the body's feel-good hormones, which produce a natural high.
• Head • Hypothalamus • Entire spine • Thyroid • Liver • Ascending colon • Descending colon
Reflexology for Anxiety disorder
Anxiety can manifest itself as a panic attack and can affect all ages. It is usually abrupt, short and intense, and happens when the body's natural fight-or-flight responses activate at the wrong time. All the stress responses go into overdrive, which can be distressing and disturbing far the person having the attack. The sufferer is ofhen overwhelmed by a sense of impending disaster, or may feel they are having a heart attack or stroke. Other symptoms include dizziness, heart palpitations, sweating, nausea, difficulty in breathing or thinking clearly, and a feeling of unreality. Avoid stress, sugar, processed foods, caffeinated products, excess alcohol and recreational drugs. Keep a nutritional diary, because an allergy to some foods can set off a panic attack. Use hand reflexology relaxation techniques during an attack.
Panic attacks can affect the sufferer anywhere, at any time.
• Head • Pituitary • Diaphragm • Lungs • Kidneys/ Adrenals • Thoracic vertebrae
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) Up to 70 per cent of all women suffer from some form of PMS. One reason for this is an imbalance of hormones: too much oestrogen and inadequate levels of progesterone. Premenstrual syndrome affects women between one and two weeks before menstruation, when hormone levels are changing. There are many symptoms, including muscle cramps, anxiety, mood swings, headaches, clumsiness, backache, acne, breast tenderness, depression, insomnia, constipation and water retention. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, organic grains, nuts, fish, organic chicken and turkey, to help keep your liver free of excess toxins. Eliminate salt from the diet to reduce water retention. Avoid caffeine, because it depletes nutrients from the body, is associated with increased levels of anxiety and is linked to breast tenderness . Drinking chamomile tea will help to increase levels of glycine in the body; this amino acid is known to relieve muscle spasms (including menstrual cramps) by relaxing the uterus.
Plenty of fresh organic vegetables & fish can help to balance hormone levels and prevent PMS.
• Pituitary • Thyroid • Pancreas • Adrenals • Ovaries • Entire spine
Reflexology for Endometriosis
This is a disorder that affects women aged 20-40; no one knows what causes it. Cells from the lining of the uterus grow elsewhere in the body - most commonly in the abdominal cavity. These implants still respond to hormonal changes controlling menstruation, which means that they bleed each month, causing adhesion. Common symptoms include excessive pain, abnormal / heavy menstrual bleeding, lower back pain, nausea, diarrhea and constipation and in some cases, rectal bleeding. Using tampons can encourage 'reflex menstruation ', which may make endometriosis worse.
• Uterus • Ovaries • Ascending colon • Descending colan • Pituitary • Adrenals • Thoracic and lumbar vertebrae
Reflexology for Fibroids
Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous tumours of the uterus. They are made up of bundles of abnormal muscle cells that can form on both the interior wall and the exterior wall of the uterus. They tend to affect women in their late thirties and usually shrink after the menopause. A lot of women who develop fibroids are not aware of them until a pelvic examination occurs, If fibroids grow to a large size, they can affect the periods, making them heavy, frequent or painful. Other symptoms include anaemia (because of a significant loss of blood), bleeding between periods, increased vaginal discharge and painful sexual intercourse. The use of the ora contraceptive pil has been associated with the development of fibroids.
• Sacrum • Bladder • Lumbar vertebrae • Uterus. • Pituitary • Adrenals
Reflexology for Menopause
This indicates the end of a woman's fertility and occurs when a woman stops ovulating and menstruating each month. It normally happens around the age of 50, ~ g but some women have been diagnosed with an early menopause in their twenties. Oestrogen production falls dramatically after the menopause, and oestrogen is (needed for normal cell functioning in the skin, arteries, heart, bladder and liver ) for proper bone formation. Women become more at risk of suffering osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease at this time. To help optimize your health, get regular exercise and reduce your intake of dairy products and red meat, as these encourage hot flushes and calcium loss from the bones.
• Hypothalamus/ Pituitary • Thyroid • Parathyroid • Liver • Kidneys/ Adrenals • Entire spine
A healthy diet and exercise helps to ease menopausal symptoms.
Reflexology for Impotence
Impotence is characterized by on in-ability to achieve or maintain an erection adequate for sexual intercourse. Around 2.3 million men in the UK and 30 million men in the US suffer from erection Problems , and around one in three men over 60 is affected by a degree of impotence. Erections result from a combination of brain stimuli, blood vessel and hormonal actions and nerve function. Some diseases and factors that can contribute to impotence include atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), high blood pressure, diabetes, alcohol, cigarettes and a history of sexually transmitted disease. Impotence may also be a side-effect of certain medications, such as antidepressants, antihistamines and ulcer medication. It can also sometimes have psychological roots. Avoid stress, cigarette smoke, animal fats, sugar, fried and junk food; stay away from alcohol, because it not only affects sexual function, but may cause the male equivalent of the menopause. Reflexology can help improve impotence.
• Prostate • Testes • Thoracic and lumbar vertebrae • Adrenals • Diaphragm • Lungs
Always look into the side-effects of any medication you are taking as some can cause impotence.
Reflexology for Enlarged prostate
This condition, which is also called benign prostatic hypertrophy, is the gradual enlargement of the prostate gland. It may be due to hormonal changes as the result of ageing, as man's testosterone levels gradually decline. It affects more than half of all men over 50 and 75 percent of men over the age of 70. The condition is non-cancerous, but can cause unpleasant symptoms, including difficulty in urinating, getting up frequently at night to urinate, blood in the urine, pain and burning, difficulty in starting and stopping urination, bladder infections and damage to the kidneys. Life style choices to reduce blood cholesterol levels are recommended , because research has shown a connection between prostate disorders and high cholesterol, so plenty of the following foods should be included in the diet: carrots, bananas, apples, cold-water fish, garlic, tomatoes and olive oil. Regular reflexology treatments will also help to reduce stress and sustained tension , which contribute to high blood cholesterol levels.
High-cholesterol foods such as cheese should be avoided since high cholesterol may be linked to prostate disorders.
• Pituitary • Prostate • Bladder • Liver • Kidneys/ Adrenals • Thoracic and lumbar vertebrae
Reflexology for Prostatitis
Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate gland and is common in men of all ages. The usual causes are bacteria that invade the prostate , or hormonal changes that occur with age. The prostate is a male sex gland and its function is to squeeze fluid during ejaculation (prostate fluid makes up the bulk of semen). The main symptoms of prostatitis include urine retention (which can affect the bladder and kidneys), pain between the scrotum and rectum , fever, a burning sensation when urinating and a feeling of fullness in the bladder. Increase your intake of zinc, because zinc helps with all prostate problems.
• Lymphatics • Pituitary • Prostate • Thoracic and lumbar vertebrae • Bladder • Ureter tube • Kidneys/ Adrenals
Reflexology for Infertility In men
This is usually the result of a low number of sperm or abnormal sperm. Around one in five couples experiences infertility, and sperm factors account for about 40 per cent of all cases . A variety of factors can influence this, including exposure to excessive heat, toxins or radiation, testicular injury, disorder of the hormones, recent illness or a long bout of fever, testicular mumps and alcohol consumption. Some causes of sperm inadequacy (exposure to heat, endocrine disorders and recent illness) may be reversible. Men should have a general endocrine examination to see if there are any Abnormalities ; the examination may reveal hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid!, hyperthyroid ism (an overactive thyroid) or a problem with the pituitary gland. Overwork and stress can also affect fertility. Testosterone is made in the body from cholesterol, and very low cholesterol diets can lower testosterone levels. However, antioxidant nutrients such as vitamin E may help to protect so-called good' cholesterol from being damaged.
• Pituitary • Testes • Vas deferens • Thyroid • Liver • Adrenals
It can take some couples up to three years to conceive naturally. Eating a healthy diet is important if you are trying for a baby.
Reflexology for Infertility in women
Infertility is the failure to conceive over a year or more of regular sexual activity during the time of ovulation . It can also refer to a woman not being able to carry a pregnancy to term. The most common causes of female infertility include ovulation failure or defect, blocked Fallopian tubes, endometriosis and uterine fibroids . Some women develop antibodies to their partner's sperm, and sexual ly transmitted diseases cause some cases of infertility. Synthetic oestrogens, which are stored in the fat cells, can also disrupt the hormonal balance and have been associated with infertility, breast cancer, low sperm counts in men and the early onset of puberty. They are found in tap water containing residues of the oral-contraceptive pill and HRT, steroids in non-organic meat, milk and dairy produce, some toiletries, detergents and plastics.
Balance in a woman's emotional and physical well-being is extremely important in the attempt to conceive.
• Pituitary • Thyroid • Ovaries • Fallopian tubes • Thoracic and lumbar vertebrae • Lymphatics
Reflexology for Pregnancy, weeks 14-36
Reflexology is able to facilitate a state of harmony and well-being. During pregnancy the body changes constantly according to the needs of the unborn baby, and reflexology can help relieve Pregnancy - associated problems. Treatment should start at week 14 - this is because reflexology is rarely used in the first trimester (three months!, so that the body can settle naturally. It is important to eat a well-balanced diet, avoiding junk food , highly seasoned or fried foods, in order to provide the growing baby with the correct vitamins and minerals. Limit tuna to once a week because of its mercury content.
• Pancreas • liver • Ascending colon • Descending colon • Bladder • Kidneys/Adrenals • Entire spine
This reflex point is only found on the right foot. Place your thumb on the third toe and trace a line dawn to below the diaphragm line. Push up into the joint and make small circles for six seconds.
Reflexology for Pregnancy, weeks 37-40
Use reflexology to prepare for birth - physically, psychologically and, most importantly, to balance the hormones. Insomnia is very common during the last few weeks of pregnancy, due to the anxiety of birth and difficulty in finding a comfortable sleeping position; it is also linked to low levels of the B vitamins. Arrange pillows to suit your needs, including beneath your abdomen to relieve breathlessness. Avoid bacon, cheese, sugar, tomatoes, chocolate, potatoes and wine close to bedtime, because these foods contain a brain stimulant. In the evening eat bananas, figs, yoghurt and wholegrain crackers because they contain sleep-promoting agents. Most women want to have a natural labour and by working on the pituitary reflex, you can help promote the production of oxytocin, which causes the uterus to contract during labour. Synthetic oxytocin can be used to induce childbirth and can sometimes be used to expel the placenta after delivery. Drinking one or two cups of raspberry leaf tea a day can help in the final stages of pregnancy and can even be sipped throughout labour. However, it is only recommended during the last two months of pregnancy. The tea is believed to strengthen the walls of the uterus and shorten the second stage of labour.
It is common for the baby to be active afteryou have had a reflexology treatment.
• Pituitary • Thyroid • Uterus • Ovaries • Kidneys/ Adrenals • Entire spine
Reflexology for After the birth
During pregnancy the levels of oestrogen and progesterone rise, smoothing the muscles of the uterus, intestines and veins. After the birth they drop within minutes, and by the second day are very low. Reflexology can assist the return of tissues to a pre-pregnant state and can support emotional and mental well-being. Postnatal depression may be experienced as overwhelming and debilitating listlessness (Simple tasks surrounding the baby for life in general may be hard to cope with). This may not surface until weeks after the birth, and the true depths of post-natal depression may not occur until the baby is three to six months old.
• Pituitary • Thyroid • Liver • Lungs • Kidneys/Adrenals • Entire spine
After the birth, reflexology can help re-balance the mother's hormone levels.
Reflexology for Poor appetite
This is not in itself a disorder, but is usually a symptom of some other problem that is affecting the child. Often emotional factors - such as stress, anxiety, depression, illness, trauma, worries at school, concerns about friendships, bullying or problems at home - may cause child's appetite to diminish noticeably. An undetected underlying problem may also be the reason, and might include a food disorder or a junk-food diet, resulting in nutritional deficiencies. To stimulate a poor appetite, a healthy, interesting and fun diet is necessary, depending on the child's tolerances and tastes. Reflexology can help to stimulate the appetite, as well as reducing appetite-sapping anxiety in a child.
Several factors can contribute to a child's poor appetite, including stress and anxiety or problems at school or home.
• Hypothalamus/ Pituitary • Diaphragm • Stomach • Ascending/ Transverse colon • Adrenals • Entire spine
The human reproductive process is complex, but fascinating. In order to accomplish pregnancy, the processes of ovulation and fertilization have to be in balance, but for so many couples trying to have a baby something can go wrong . Reflexology and a holistic approach to health can balance the hormones, create healthier sperm and enhance regular ovulation.
Reflexology for Boils
Boils are round pus-filled lumps on the skin, which result from inflammation and infection caused by bacteria. This disorder is common among children and young adults. Boils affect the deepest portion of the hair follicle and can appear on the scalp, under the arms, on the buttocks and the face. They are hen red tender and painful and symptoms may include itching, localized swelling and pain. Boils can heal within a month, but are contagious because the pus can contaminate nearby skin, causing new boils. They are often an indication that the sufferer has a lowered immune system as a result of poor nutrition, diabetes mellitus, the use unimpressive drugs or suffering from an illness. An onion poultice is good for boils because it reduces pain and draws toxins from the infected area: place a finely chopped onion between two pieces of cloth and put it on the affected area of the body to draw out impurities.
A nutritious diet is one aspect of a healthy immune system . Replace sugar with fresh fruit to help eliminate boils.
• Adrenals • Pituitary • Upper lymphatics • Pancreas • Spleen • Entire spine
Reflexology for Psoriasis
This skin condition appears as patches of silvery scales or red areas on the arms, elbows, knees, legs, ears, scalp and bock. It generally affects young adults between the ages of 15 and 25 and can be triggered by stress. The colon should be kept clean with a diet of 50 per cent of raw foods, because on unhealthy colon has been linked to psoriasis. The condition normally follows a pattern of occasional flare-ups followed by periods of remission. Psoriasis is a hen hereditary and is linked to a rapid growth of cells in the skin's outer layer, causing patches that spread over a large area.
• Pituitary • Stomach• liver • Ascending colon• Descending colon • Entire spine• Kidneys/ Adrenal
Reflexology for Hyperactivity
Medically, this condition is termed attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It causes a variety of learning and behavioral problems and mainly affects children. Hyperactivity may be characterized by a number of different behavioral problems, including an inability to finish tasks, head-knocking, self-destructive behavior, temper tantrums, learning disabilities, low tolerance of stress and a lack of concentration. Factors linked to hyperactivity include heredity, smoking during pregnancy, oxygen deprivation at birth and food allergies. The consumption of sugar and additives in food has been strongly connected with hyperactive behavior. It is therefore best to avoid the following: bacon, butter, carbonated drinks, mustard, confectionery, chocolate, soft drinks, coloured cheeses, hot dogs, ham, corn, milk, salt, salami, tea and wheat. If you think food allergies are contributing to your child's hyperactivity, see a qualified dietician who specializes in treating ADHD. Reflexology can work on the nervous and endocrine systems, to help encourage a state of calmness and balance, and on the digestive system, to help eliminate the allergens and other waste products.
Research has shown that essential fatty acids may be of benefit when children have concentration problems.
• Pituitary • Pancreas • Adrenals • Ascending/ Transverse colon • Liver • Entire spine
Reflexology for Croup
This is a respiratory infection that causes the throat to narrow, due to swelling. It can be very serious and needs to be treated properly by a medical practitioner if a child is having difficulty breathing. It commonly occurs in young children, whose airways are much narrower than those of adults. Most attacks occur at night, when mucus may increase and clog up the airways. The symptoms include spasms in the throat, difficulty in breathing, a wheezing noise, hoarseness, a feeling of suffocation, tightness in the lungs and a harsh, barking cough. Fits of coughing are another characteristic sign. Croup is usually preceded by an allergy attack, a cold , bronchitis or inhalation of a foreign body. To help thin the mucus it is a good idea to give a child plenty of fluids, including herbal teas and homemade soups. Warm ginger herb baths can help; then immediately wrap the child in a heavy towel and put him or her to bed to perspire, which can help loosen the mucus and rid the body of toxins. Reflexology can work on all the systems of the body to relieve the stress that the child is suffering and relax the airways.
Place a child with croup in a warm ginger herb both then wrap in a heavy towel to perspire, which can help loosen the mucus.
• Oesophagus • Diaphragm • Lungs • Adrenals • Upper lymphatic • Entire spine
Reflexology for Arthritis
This is one of the most common conditions in the elderly. Arthritis is the inflammation of one or many joints and is characterized by stiffness, pain and swelling. There is often a diminished range of motion, which can make it very difficult to do everyday activities. Arthritis is not a single disorder, but is the name for a joint problem with a number of causes. In most cases the sufferer will experience nearly constant pain. The overall pressure should be light, as older joints can be brittle and less flexible than younger ones, and should not cause any discomfort; if it does, reduce the pressure to a comfortable level.
• Pituitary • Parathyroid • Kidneys/ Adrenals • Ascending colon • Descending colon • Entire spine • Liver
Reflexology for Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease is a type of dementia that commonly affects the elderly, although it can also strike people in their forties. Up to 50 per cent of Americans over 85 have Alzheimer's, which is characterized by a progressive mental degeneration that interferes with their ability to function at home or at work. Symptoms include memory loss, depression and severe mood Swings , and death usually occurs within five to ten years. The precise cause is unknown, although research points to nutritional deficiencies, particularly of vitamins B 12, A, E, boron, potassium and zinc. Autopsies of people who have died of Alzheimer's reveal excessive amounts of mercury and aluminium in the brain. It is useful to be aware that deep water fish like tuna contain large amounts of mercury, as do fish liver oil supplements. But eating a well-balanced organic diet can help to increase the levels of vitamins and minerals in the body. Include lots of relaxation techniques to help your client feel they are in a safe place.
Reflexology is a calm and reassuring nonverbal method of communication.
• Head • Hypothalamus/ Pituitary • Diaphragm • Lungs • Kidneys/ Adrenals • Entire spine